Select the appropriate query type
Does your query relate to Waitrose or John Lewis orders?
- Waitrose
What is your reason for contacting Waitrose?
- New set up / connection / testing
Please select the relevant option
- Brand new set up
- Change existing details
- Testing for a new connection - orders
- Testing for a new connection - invoicing
Is this the first time you have tested EDI for invoicing?
- Orders
- Invoices
Please select the relevant option
- Update your EDI contact details
- EDI Specifications
- New set up / connection / testing
- John Lewis
What is your reason for contacting John Lewis?
- New connection/set up/test
Please select the relevent option
- New set up / connection
Do you supply Sale Or Return (SOR) or (standard) goods?
- Change existing connection
- Test new connection - orders
Please select the relevant option
- Test new connection - invoices
Please select the relevant option
- Ready to submit first invoice
Select the relevant format for your EDI set up
- Test invoice submitted and awaiting feedback
- Feedback received on test invoice
- Ready to submit first invoice
- New set up / connection
- Orders
What issue have you encountered?
- Invoices
Please select the relevant option
- Update your EDI contact details
- EDI Specifications
Please select
- Eancom
Please select the relevant option
- Tradacoms
- Mandatory Fields Listing
- Eancom
- New connection/set up/test
- Waitrose
- iSupplier
Do you want to enter an invoice on iSupplier or inquire about previous submissions?
- iSupplier inquiry/pay query
Select your invoice query
- I've checked iSupplier and need further help
Has your invoice been paid?
- Yes - the invoice has been paid
Was the correct amount paid on the invoice?
- No - the invoice amount wasn't correct
Was the invoice overpaid or underpaid?
- Invoice was underpaid
Do you know what the underpayment relates to?
- No - I don't know the reason for the underpayment
- Yes - I know the reason for underpayment
What is the reason for the underpayment?
- Discount
- VAT only invoice
- Invoice part netted previously
- Incorrect item price
Was the invoice for Waitrose or John Lewis?
- Invoice was overpaid
Do you know of a reason for overpayment?
- No - I don't know why the invoice was overpaid
- Yes - I know the reason for an overpayment
Was the original invoice for Waitrose or GFR John Lewis?
- Invoice was underpaid
- Yes - the correct amount was paid
- No - the invoice amount wasn't correct
- No - the invoice hasn't been paid
- Yes - the invoice has been paid
- I've not yet checked iSupplier
Are you able to login and check iSupplier?
- No - I cannot login to iSupplier
Do you have an active login for iSupplier?
- Yes - I can login to iSupplier
What stage of locating the invoice have you reached?
- No - I cannot login to iSupplier
- I have multiple invoices to check/would like to reconcile my account
- I'd like a copy of an AR invoice sent by JLP/Waitrose
- I've checked iSupplier and need further help
- iSupplier invoice entry
Are you able to login and access iSupplier?
- No, I cannot access iSupplier
Do you have an active login for iSupplier?
- Yes, I can log into iSupplier
Which stage of creating the invoice on iSupplier have you reached?
- I can't locate the Create Invoice option
- I can't locate the PO on iSupplier
- I want to submit a credit note
Are your purchase order numbers for Waitrose or John Lewis?
- I want to submit an invoice against a Business Charge Code or Dissection
- I'm unsure what the invoice status means
- Yes, and I'd like to deactivate a user
- No, I cannot access iSupplier
- iSupplier inquiry/pay query
- Coupa
Are you able to login to Coupa?
- Yes, I can login to Coupa
Do you want to enter an invoice on Coupa or inquire about previous submissions?
- Coupa Invoice Inquiry
Please select supplier account type
- Goods Not For Resale
- Goods For Resale
What is your query relating to?
- Invoice management
Select from the below
- Purchase Order management
Select from the below
- Other
Select from the below
- Invoice management
- Sale or Return/Direct to Customer
Select from the below
- Understanding SOR or D2C Sale or Return Data Report and Coupa Invoice Lines
- Using Sale or Return Purchase Order weekly data in Coupa
- Viewing SOR or D2C Purchase orders and SOR Data on Coupa
- SOR Self Billing Agreements
- Invoice Statuses
- Viewing payments & remittance in Coupa
- Viewing Invoices and payment dates
- Coupa Invoice Entry
Select from the below
- Goods Not for Resale
Which action would you like to take?
- Goods for Resale
- Sale or Return/Direct to Customer
Select from the below
- Goods Not for Resale
- Coupa Invoice Inquiry
- No, I cannot login to Coupa
- I want to manage my Coupa CSP account
Please select from the following
- Yes, I can login to Coupa
- Debit dispute
Has the debit note been raised for a pricing or quantity mismatch?
- Quantity
Is the debit note for John Lewis or Waitrose?
- Pricing
Is the debit note for John Lewis or Waitrose?
- John Lewis
Have you contacted your Buyer?
- Waitrose
- John Lewis
- Quantity
- Set up new supplier or amend existing supplier/AR customer account
Are you an existing supplier?
- No, I'd like to set up
Would you like to supply John Lewis or Waitrose?
- I'm in the process of setting up
Please select from the following
- I'm already a supplier/AR customer
What changes would you like to make to your account?
- Follow up on a new supplier account request
- Change payment terms
- Change bank details
Is your account GFR/GNFR?
- Change account details
What type of account would you like to change?
- John Lewis (GFR)
Which supplier account details would you like to change?
- Change account name, address and/or email domain
Is your supplier account UK based or Overseas?
- Change email contact for debits, remittance, AR items and/or POs
- Change account name, address and/or email domain
- Waitrose (GFR)
Which supplier account details would you like to change?
- GNFR supplier account
What supplier account details would you like to change?
- AR Customer account
- John Lewis (GFR)
- I'd like to register my Charity
- I'd like to setup as a One Time Vendor
- No, I'd like to set up
- Other