Risk Action Plans in Coupa
Supplier Actions

  1. Login to Coupa Risk Assess linked here https://eu.hiperos.com
    Note: If it is the first time you have received an action in Coupa Risk Assess you will be required to create an Account.
  2. You will receive two notifications ( Please check your spam folder in case they are in there):
    - A link to the Coupa Risk Assess Portal
    - Authentication code (which is a temporary password)
  3. Click on View to display the action plan items and their status
  4. A notification will be issued to the Contract or relationship manager at JLP otherwise known as the BCM.
    Note: The completed action will need to be reviewed and approved by them.
  5. Please complete the action by the deadline date stipulated
    Note: Reminder notifications will be issued if the action is not completed by the specified date.