Look Ahead: Submit a query to the John Lewis Finance Service Centre
Select the appropriate query type
Does your query relate to Waitrose or John Lewis orders?
What is your reason for contacting Waitrose?
New set up / connection / testing
Please select the relevant option
Brand new set up
Change existing details
Testing for a new connection - orders
Testing for a new connection - invoicing
Is this the first time you have tested EDI for invoicing?
Initial test
Subsequent test
Please select the relevant option
Submit an invoice
Invoice rejection received
Check for receipt of invoice
Update your EDI contact details
EDI Specifications
Please select
Tradacoms Order Specification
Tradacoms Order Acknowledgement Specification
Mandatory Fields Listing
Tradacoms Invoice Specification
John Lewis
What is your reason for contacting John Lewis?
New connection/set up/test
Please select the relevent option
New set up / connection
Do you supply Sale Or Return (SOR) or (standard) goods?
New GFR setup/connection
New SOR (Sale or Return) setup/connection
Change existing connection
Test new connection - orders
Please select the relevant option
I need a test order
I've not received my test order
I've successfully received my test order
Test new connection - invoices
Please select the relevant option
Ready to submit first invoice
Select the relevant format for your EDI set up
Test invoice submitted and awaiting feedback
Feedback received on test invoice
What issue have you encountered?
I haven't received an order
There's an issue with order information
Please select the relevant option
Submit an invoice
Invoice rejection received
Check for reciept of invoice
Update your EDI contact details
EDI Specifications
Please select
Please select the relevant option
Order cancellation
Order acknowledgements
Advanced shipping notice/ Despatch advice
Weekly stock
Sales reports
Mandatory Fields Listing
Do you want to enter an invoice on iSupplier or inquire about previous submissions?
iSupplier inquiry/pay query
Select your invoice query
I've checked iSupplier and need further help
Has your invoice been paid?
Yes - the invoice has been paid
Was the correct amount paid on the invoice?
No - the invoice amount wasn't correct
Was the invoice overpaid or underpaid?
Invoice was underpaid
Do you know what the underpayment relates to?
No - I don't know the reason for the underpayment
Yes - I know the reason for underpayment
What is the reason for the underpayment?
VAT only invoice
Invoice part netted previously
Incorrect item price
Was the invoice for Waitrose or John Lewis?
John Lewis
Invoice was overpaid
Do you know of a reason for overpayment?
No - I don't know why the invoice was overpaid
Yes - I know the reason for an overpayment
Was the original invoice for Waitrose or GFR John Lewis?
John Lewis
Yes - the correct amount was paid
No - the invoice hasn't been paid
I've not yet checked iSupplier
Are you able to login and check iSupplier?
No - I cannot login to iSupplier
Do you have an active login for iSupplier?
I'd like to deactivate a user
Yes - I can login to iSupplier
What stage of locating the invoice have you reached?
I cannot locate the Invoice Entry field
I'm unable to locate the invoice
How was the invoice submitted to JLP?
I'm unsure what the status means
I need to view the payment & remittance advice
I need to view the receipt for an order
I need to download a debit note copy
I have multiple invoices to check/would like to reconcile my account
I'd like a copy of an AR invoice sent by JLP/Waitrose
iSupplier invoice entry
Are you able to login and access iSupplier?
No, I cannot access iSupplier
Do you have an active login for iSupplier?
Yes, I have an active log in for iSupplier
No, I don't have a log in for iSupplier
Yes, I can log into iSupplier
Which stage of creating the invoice on iSupplier have you reached?
I can't locate the Create Invoice option
I can't locate the PO on iSupplier
I want to submit a credit note
Are your purchase order numbers for Waitrose or John Lewis?
John Lewis
I want to submit an invoice against a Business Charge Code or Dissection
I'm unsure what the invoice status means
Yes, and I'd like to deactivate a user
Are you able to login to Coupa?
Yes, I can login to Coupa
Do you want to enter an invoice on Coupa or inquire about previous submissions?
Coupa Invoice Inquiry
Please select supplier account type
Goods Not For Resale
Which action would you like to take?
I would like to view the payment & remittance advice in Coupa
I am unsure of the invoice status in Coupa
I am unable to locate the invoice in Coupa
I would like to view my purchase order in Coupa
I would like to resolve a invoice tax error
Goods For Resale
What is your query relating to?
Invoice management
Select from the below
Check why an invoice hasn't been paid
Check for Missing Invoice
Editing a GFR Invoice
Purchase Order management
Select from the below
Viewing GFR Purchase Orders
Check for Missing PO
Understanding your GFR PO
Select from the below
Reconcile Account
Download a Copy of a Debit Note
Booking Holds
Sale or Return/Direct to Customer
Select from the below
Understanding SOR or D2C Sale or Return Data Report and Coupa Invoice Lines
Using Sale or Return Purchase Order weekly data in Coupa
Viewing SOR or D2C Purchase orders and SOR Data on Coupa
SOR Self Billing Agreements
Invoice Statuses
Viewing payments & remittance in Coupa
Viewing Invoices and payment dates
Coupa Invoice Entry
Select from the below
Goods Not for Resale
Which action would you like to take?
I would like to enter a Core Home Services invoice
I would like to enter a credit
I would like to enter a GNFR invoice
Do you have a purchase order number for your invoice?
Yes, I would like to create a GNFR invoice against a purchase order
No, I have been provided with a 17 digit Charge Code
Goods for Resale
Select from the below
Converting GFR PO into an Invoice
Create an Invoice (if PO is missing)
Create a GFR Credit Note
Create a GFR Dissection Charged Invoice
Uploading a POD
Submitting OPD Shipping Documents
Create an invoice Overseas Supplier
Convert a Long Line PO into an Invoice
Sale or Return/Direct to Customer
Select from the below
Convert an SOR PO into an Invoice
Creating SOR or D2C Credit note
No, I cannot login to Coupa
Do you have an active login for Coupa?
If you have received your Coupa Registration email click here
I know my details but require support logging into Coupa
If you have not received your Coupa Registration email and would like to link with JLP on Coupa click here
I want to manage my Coupa CSP account
Please select from the following
Manage my account
Merge accounts
Debit dispute
Has the debit note been raised for a pricing or quantity mismatch?
Is the debit note for John Lewis or Waitrose?
John Lewis
Is the debit note for John Lewis or Waitrose?
John Lewis
Have you contacted your Buyer?
No, Buyer has not been contacted
Yes, Buyer has authorised payment
Set up new supplier or amend existing supplier/AR customer account
Are you an existing supplier?
No, I'd like to set up
Would you like to supply John Lewis or Waitrose?
Set up new supplier: John Lewis
Set up new supplier: Waitrose
I'm in the process of setting up
Please select from the following
Guidance on Risk Action Plan in Coupa
Guidance on Sourcing & Due Diligence
I'd like to view the Supplier Due Diligence communication
I'm already a supplier/AR customer
What changes would you like to make to your account?
Follow up on a new supplier account request
Change payment terms
Change bank details
Is your account GFR/GNFR?
Registered Charity
Change account details
What type of account would you like to change?
John Lewis (GFR)
Which supplier account details would you like to change?
Change account name, address and/or email domain
Is your supplier account UK based or Overseas?
UK based (home account)
Overseas account
Change email contact for debits, remittance, AR items and/or POs
Waitrose (GFR)
Which supplier account details would you like to change?
Change: VAT registration number
Change: Account name, address and/or email domain
Change: Email contact for debits, remittance, AR items and/or POs
GNFR supplier account
What supplier account details would you like to change?
I would like to complete my Coupa registration
I would like to update my details held in Coupa
Change of HMRC CIS (Construction Industry Scheme) Status
AR Customer account
I'd like to register my Charity
I'd like to setup as a One Time Vendor